Here again a practical example, what information would provide an internet comment and the associated content management system.
Basically we have two types of information:
- 1) a statement of "traditional" texts, or anything similar as in a PDF archive are stored. Examples include the Bible text itself (scanned manuscripts, scanned print editions of the NT, etc.) and commentaries (scanned Evangelical Catholic Commentary, Word Biblical Commentary, etc.). Between the biblical text and the comments - but also between the comments itself - a special kind of relationship with G. Genette classify it as Metatextualität could.
- 2) but also the "ideal information resource" that may be similar to the Wikipedia are continually revised and supplemented by each user and combines the already archived comment text (but possibly also beyond it).
The comments deal with various individual problems on this verse, but also repeated. Software: The software must be a skillful Linking of individual texts allow, so that each verse is from a digitized comment on the other can continue to click easily.
2) How to summarize the various statements as comments in an "ideal information resource useful?
must be considered: a) the different words / phrases in the Bible text Matthew 28.1, on the referenced (eg "sabbaton mia" or "theoresai ton Taphon"); b) the different questions (methods). with which the "data" is processed. A very simple model of this would be a two-dimensional matrix: the columns are the individual expressions / reference points / data and the rows each describing a particular form of question / data processing (eg, linguistic analysis, textual criticism, genre analysis, structural Movie today [application]). In each field of the 'table' would save the relevant observations and records. (In fact, the whole more difficult because the individual questions / methods are nested.) Software: The software must make it possible
- combine certain records from the comments to write itself and revise
- the user only those records relevant strictly along method to have to write (eg output an error message when an observation is invalid according to a research question)
- to edit by clicking on "method" the method that the records of a 'series' structured
- to create new questions / categories
- to the entire commentary on a verse to look at or specific issues (eg "class" would then indicate only the class discussion on each pericope).