Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Appropriate Amount Of Pda


Here again a practical example, what information would provide an internet comment and the associated content management system.

Basically we have two types of information:

  • 1) a statement of "traditional" texts, or anything similar as in a PDF archive are stored. Examples include the Bible text itself (scanned manuscripts, scanned print editions of the NT, etc.) and commentaries (scanned Evangelical Catholic Commentary, Word Biblical Commentary, etc.). Between the biblical text and the comments - but also between the comments itself - a special kind of relationship with G. Genette classify it as Metatextualität could.
  • 2) but also the "ideal information resource" that may be similar to the Wikipedia are continually revised and supplemented by each user and combines the already archived comment text (but possibly also beyond it).
example: 1) archive texts: Mt 28.1 (after the print edition of the Nestle-Aland 27th edition) and the commentary on this verse of Gnilka, Matthew II, 1988, p. 493; Davies / Allison, Matthew III, 1997, p. 663-664; Nolland, Matthew, 2005, p. 1244-1246.
The comments deal with various individual problems on this verse, but also repeated. Software: The software must be a skillful Linking of individual texts allow, so that each verse is from a digitized comment on the other can continue to click easily.

2) How to summarize the various statements as comments in an "ideal information resource useful?
must be considered: a) the different words / phrases in the Bible text Matthew 28.1, on the referenced (eg "sabbaton mia" or "theoresai ton Taphon"); b) the different questions (methods). with which the "data" is processed. A very simple model of this would be a two-dimensional matrix: the columns are the individual expressions / reference points / data and the rows each describing a particular form of question / data processing (eg, linguistic analysis, textual criticism, genre analysis, structural Movie today [application]). In each field of the 'table' would save the relevant observations and records. (In fact, the whole more difficult because the individual questions / methods are nested.) Software: The software must make it possible
- combine certain records from the comments to write itself and revise
- the user only those records relevant strictly along method to have to write (eg output an error message when an observation is invalid according to a research question)
- to edit by clicking on "method" the method that the records of a 'series' structured
- to create new questions / categories
- to the entire commentary on a verse to look at or specific issues (eg "class" would then indicate only the class discussion on each pericope).

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Here are two interesting sounding the literature, which I still do not know in detail:

Eep Talstra & Janet Dyk: "The computer and biblical research. Are there perspectives beyond the imitation of classical instruments?" In: W. Th. of Peursen / RB ter Haar Romeny (Hg.), Text, translation, and tradition. Studies on the Peshitta and Its use in the Syriac Tradition Presented to Konrad D. Jenner on the Occasion of His sixty-fifth birthday, ua Leiden: Brill, 2006, S. 189-203.

Christof Hardmeier / W.-D. Syring / JD Range / E. Talstra (Hg.), Ad Fontes! Quellen erfassen - lesen - Deut. Was ist Philologie Computer? Ansatzpunkte und Methodology - Instrumente und Praxis, Beiträge der Tagung "Computer Philologie, Universität Greifswald, 5 to 8 November 1998, applicatio 1915, Amsterdam 2000.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Increased Urination During Period

Citizendium and Textop

Larry Sanger, who developed once the (unsuccessful) predecessor of Wikipedia, has launched a new attempt , make the work interesting for scientists with wikis: Citizendium .

In his far-sighted essay Toward a New Compendium of Knowledge "he writes,
" In the next year, by the end of 2007, every major university, library, museum, archives, professional organization, government, and corporation will be asking themselves with increasing urgency: how, using what systems and methods, can we pool the entire world's intellectual resources to create the ideal information resource "?

Citizendium is Sanger only an intermediate step in this direction. To 2007/2008 should Textop be developed. The ideas that are described in the mailing list as of August are extremely interesting.

a scientific commentary on the Bible on the Internet should be part of an overarching concept of knowledge representation. If Textop - if the project is something - so mature and be ready for enlargement, that one can work properly with it collaboratively?

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Bellypunching Fetish 1

Vikings and

A trial of an Internet commentary is the " Postmodern Bible Commentary " by Tim Bulkeley (Auckland), which refers to the Amosbuch limited. I think this is a nice idea of a single idealist who are struggling for almost 10 years with it, but the user interface and the software can be a whole still much to be desired. A joint work on the text in the sense of a wiki also seems not to be possible.

interesting is the newly formed Wikiversity , an offshoot of Wikipedia. While Wikipedia is meant to summarize the known knowledge on specific topics to present (in the sense of an encyclopedia), should the Wikiversity-interface for the creation of new knowledge may be useful. Everyone can make here own opinion. I am skeptical that this will be the killer application. For joint scientific discussion and publication on the internet need another software.

seems very promising to me to be the European answer to Google Books, which Quaero search engine, is intended to include on the German side, the development of knowledge management systems (according to Wikipedia ). Let's hope that comes out something useful here. In most cases, yes but only computer scientists and BWLer among them, and me on the wrong track because they are aware of the methodological structure little of the humanities and lay on her little Procrustean bed, while the classical scholars do not bother with such modern stuff and therefore did not even suspect that there are new opportunities for structured knowledge management and knowledge sharing, or could be. This is an issue that strikes me again and again.

is also worth mentioning the VIKINGS project, which is conducted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication, and is exemplified in the history of Catholicism in 19-20. Century employs. The description of VIKING is very informative, but I do not think we advance the link between proper names and events using semantic networks and the use of this data set by a far-Wiki is. Determined

so it is again Google, which will release in 2-4 years a useful application that blog, wiki and Writely also makes the joint scientific work on the Internet intuitive and easy. Hello, Europeans, when will you finally awake?

Saturday, September 2, 2006

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Wikiversity Welcome

should be documented in previous efforts on this blog, using the internet for biblical exegesis. The aim is also to gather suggestions and discuss.

This is not mere collections of sources (eg Early Christian Writings ) or scanned book publications ( Google Books). Not even the numerous blogs to Topic (eg NT Gateway Weblog , Codex Biblical Studies ). The basic idea is that a commentary on the individual biblical books according to the Wiki principle possible to establish collaborative and would be freely available.

scientists who can demonstrate their qualifications by a (possibly in-process) or PhD in a related field bibelexegetischen would be allowed to create and modify the contributions. It should be a priority set, with which one can approach the Bible texts on different issues, and their relationships with one another; as a clear structure for different answers and the Pro / counterpoint discussion of the respective answers. Blogs are not suitable. Perhaps other forms of Internet communication? What do you think / you think?