Sunday, September 3, 2006

Bellypunching Fetish 1

Vikings and

A trial of an Internet commentary is the " Postmodern Bible Commentary " by Tim Bulkeley (Auckland), which refers to the Amosbuch limited. I think this is a nice idea of a single idealist who are struggling for almost 10 years with it, but the user interface and the software can be a whole still much to be desired. A joint work on the text in the sense of a wiki also seems not to be possible.

interesting is the newly formed Wikiversity , an offshoot of Wikipedia. While Wikipedia is meant to summarize the known knowledge on specific topics to present (in the sense of an encyclopedia), should the Wikiversity-interface for the creation of new knowledge may be useful. Everyone can make here own opinion. I am skeptical that this will be the killer application. For joint scientific discussion and publication on the internet need another software.

seems very promising to me to be the European answer to Google Books, which Quaero search engine, is intended to include on the German side, the development of knowledge management systems (according to Wikipedia ). Let's hope that comes out something useful here. In most cases, yes but only computer scientists and BWLer among them, and me on the wrong track because they are aware of the methodological structure little of the humanities and lay on her little Procrustean bed, while the classical scholars do not bother with such modern stuff and therefore did not even suspect that there are new opportunities for structured knowledge management and knowledge sharing, or could be. This is an issue that strikes me again and again.

is also worth mentioning the VIKINGS project, which is conducted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication, and is exemplified in the history of Catholicism in 19-20. Century employs. The description of VIKING is very informative, but I do not think we advance the link between proper names and events using semantic networks and the use of this data set by a far-Wiki is. Determined

so it is again Google, which will release in 2-4 years a useful application that blog, wiki and Writely also makes the joint scientific work on the Internet intuitive and easy. Hello, Europeans, when will you finally awake?


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